University of Illinois System


Annual Report

The ITPC FY24 Annual Report is now available.

FY24 ITPC Annual Report


Each quarter, we produce a newsletter (ITPC Info) that provides the results of the most recent ITPC Review and other project and committee highlights.

Project proposal templates

Please use these templates for all new ITPC Project Proposals:

  • Level 1 proposal, for projects with total budgets between $20,000 and $100,000 or involving between 250 and 850 hours of effort.
  • Level 2 proposal, for projects with total budgets between $100,000 and $250,000 or involving 850 to 5,000 hours of effort.
  • Level 3 proposal, for projects with total budgets greater than $250,000 or involving greater than 5,000 hours of effort.
  • Mandatory project proposal, for regulatory, maintenance, and mandated projects of all levels.

Project request information

Submit a Project: Description of project sizes and the appropriate request type and proposal for each.

Committee Review Schedule: Current schedule and deadlines for proposals for ITPC and its subcommittees.

Upcoming Meetings and Deadlines